How Learning Unlocked Assists Families in the IEP Process

Learning Unlocked is committed to providing comprehensive support to your family throughout the Individual Education Plan (IEP) process. The initial step involves a thorough record review, encompassing all previous IEPs and any psychological evaluations your child may have undergone. Our focus during this review is to identify your child's strengths and challenges, offering recommendations for accommodations, and assessing whether the goals and benchmarks accurately address the child's deficits. In many cases, this leads to rewriting and suggesting improvements to enhance the overall effectiveness of the goals and accommodations. Understanding a child's rights in terms of implementing technology, alternative methods for demonstrating mastery, and specific accommodations tailored to individual deficits is crucial. We assist parents in coordinating this information as part of our advocacy support.

I.E.P Advocacy

The Process

After identifying changes that can help your child succeed, we schedule a meeting with you to go over all the important details before meeting with the school. Our goal is to work together with you and the school to achieve the best outcome.

At Learning Unlocked, we provide each family with:

- A clear outline of recommended changes, so you can share this with the school to make the meeting process faster and more efficient.

- Attendance at all school meetings, where we present the suggested changes to your child's IEP. During the meeting, we actively participate by asking questions, suggesting improvements, and making sure your concerns are heard and addressed.

Not every parent is equipped to be an expert in their child's Individual Education Plan (IEP), and that's perfectly understandable—after all, it's not their specialized field. This is where Learning Unlocked comes in to assist your family throughout the Special Education journey, starting from the initial meetings, progressing through the evaluation phase, and culminating in the development of your child's personalized IEP.

How much does Special Education Advocacy cost?

The cost of advocacy services is tailored to the unique needs of each child.

  • Review of documents $125.00 per hour

  • Meeting Attendance $175.00 per hour